Paulo Menezes

    Name: Paulo Menezes, Ph.D.
    Position: Associate Professor
    Office: 1.6
    Internal Phone: 421118

    Paulo Menezes, PhD, (, is an assistant professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the University of Coimbra since 2007. He is a senior researcher of the Institute of Systems and Robotics and belongs to the Mobile Robotics Laboratory team. His main research interests are: human-robot interaction, augmented reality and new technologies for psychological therapies, rehabilitation and life quality improvement. He is involved in several European and National funded projects on these fields. He is a senior researcher of the Institute of Systems and Robotics and belongs to the Mobile Robotics Laboratory team. His research interests are: robotics, computer vision, human-robot interaction, augmented reality and new technologies for health care and life quality support. He is involved in several European and National funded projects on these fields.

    Supervisor of:
    João Quintas, Postdoctoral Fellow
    Luís Agnelo Almeida, Adjunct Professor
    Bruno Patrão, Ph.D. Student
    Bruno Miguel Fonseca Ferreira, Ph.D. Student
    Gustavo Miguel Santos Assunção, Research Engineer
    Maria Rita Nogueira, Postdoctoral Fellow
    João Vasco, M.Sc. Student
    Vishal Gautam, Ph.D. Student
    Andrey Solovov, Ph.D. Student
    Manuel Santos, M.Sc. Student
    Inês Margarida Silva Serra, M.Sc. Student
    Pedro Samuel Santos Calhau, M.Sc. Student
    Mohammad Zarei, Ph.D. Student
    David Ferreira, M.Sc. Student
    Nuno Rodrigues Moita, M.Sc. Student
    Elena Adelucci, M.Sc. Student
    Francisco Pereira, M.Sc. Student
    João Pedro Ferreira, Research Engineer


    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, Jose Macas de Carvalho, Exploring the Impact of Machine Learning on Dance Performance: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, (in press), 1-50, 2024


    Ana Xavier, Paula Vagos, Lara Palmeira, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Sofia Abreu Mendes, Marta Tavares, The Me and the Us of Emotions: a cluster-randomized controlled trial of the feasibility and efficacy of a compassion-based social–emotional learning program for children, Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 14, Frontiers, 2023

    Artur Pilacinski, Ana Pinto, Soraia Oliveira, Eduardo Araú, Carla Carvalho, Paula Alexandra Silva, Ricardo Matias, P. Menezes, Sonia Sousa, The Robot Eyes Don't Have It.The Presence of Eye Gaze on Collaborative Robots Yields Marginally Higher Human Trust But Lower Performance, Helyion, 9, 8, 2023

    Jose Carlos Rodrigues, P. Menezes, Teresa Restivo, An augmented reality interface to control a collaborative robot in rehab: A preliminary usability evaluation, Frontiers in Digital Health, 5, Frontiers in, 2023

    Artur Pilacinski, Ana Pinto, Soraia Oliveira, Eduardo Araujo, Carla Carvalho, Paula Alexandra Silva, Ricardo Matias, P. Menezes, Sonia Sousa, The Robot Eyes Don’t Have It. The Presence of Eye Gaze on Collaborative Robots Yields Marginally Higher Human Trust But Lower Performance, Helyion, Volume 9, Issue 8, 2023


    Alessandra Sorrentino, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Batista, J. Dias, Laura Fiorini, Pietro Benvenuti, Filippo Cavallo, Should I lead?” Feasibility study of user perception on following-robot for gait assessment, ICAR2023 - 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2023

    Miguel Lacerda, Daniel Vieira, D. Ferreira, P. Santos Calhau, P. Menezes, , UCInvaders: Reusing a game to promote physical activity among college students, ICGI2023 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Tomar, Portugal, 2023

    Daniel Matias, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Assessing Presence in an Improved Exposure Therapy AR Application, ICGI2023 - International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Tomar, Portugal, 2023

    Gustavo Assunção, Alessandra Sorrentino, J. Dias, M. Castelo-Branco, P. Menezes, Filippo Cavallo, , Adapting Behavior and Persistence via Reinforcement and Self-Emotion Mediated Exploration in a Social Robot, ROMAN20, 33nd IRRR International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Busa, Korea, 2023

    M. Nogueira, Joao Braz Simoes, P. Menezes, F O R M S - Creating new visual perceptions of dance movement through machine learning, ACM SIGGRAPH 2023, Los Angeles, 2023

    Gustavo Assunção, M. Castelo-Branco, P. Menezes, Leveraging emotion-mediated exploration to adapt agent behavior, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora - Portugal, 2023

    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, Movement-based interaction: An approach to visual and auditory stimulus and memory, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, évora, 2023

    Diogo Simoes, P. Menezes, Exploring Player’s Body as a Game Controller for Fitness Activity Promotion, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023

    Bruno Ferreira, Alessandra Sorrentino, P. Menezes, J. Batista, J. Dias, Laura Fiorini, Filippo Cavallo, Improving ASTRO’s Perception Capability for a more Natural Follow-Me Task, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023

    Beatriz Lagos, P. Menezes, MuSe4ASD - An Interactive Music Station for Children with ASD, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023

    Daniel Matias, P. Menezes, AREsTA - An Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy Application, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023

    J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, Teresa Sousa, J. Perdiz, , P. Menezes, , G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, A multimodal framework for motor function characterization in ASD, ENBENG, IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Porto, 2023

    A. Sorrentino, Gustavo Assunção, , P. Menezes, A Reinforcement Learning Framework to Foster Affective Empathy in Social Robots, ICSR2022 - 14th International Conference Social Robotics - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13817, 2023

    J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, T. Sousa, J. Perdiz, N. Leal, P. Menezes, T. Zhu, G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, A Framework For Motor Function Characterization in Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2023 IEEE 7th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 104-107 , 2023

    J. Batista, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Should I Lead?” Feasibility Study of User Perception on Following-Robot for Gait Assessment, 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2023

    J. Batista, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Improving ASTRO’s Perception Capability for a more Natural Follow-Me Task, 6th Experiment@ International Conference (Expat’23), 2023

    Alessandra Sorrentino, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Batista, J. Dias, Laura Fiorini, Pietro Benvenuti, Filippo Cavallo, “Should I Lead?” Feasibility Study of User Perception on Following-Robot for Gait Assessment, 2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2023


    Emanuel Pereira, Bruno Ferreira, Ana Margarida Amorim, P. Menezes, Immersive Technologies for Vestibular Rehabilitation, International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), 13, 1, 2022

    Ana Xavier, Paula Vagos, Lara Palmeira, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Sonia Pereira, Vanessa Rocha, Sofia Mendes, Marta Tavares, Children’s Perspectives on Using Serious Games as a Complement to Promoting Their Social–Emotional Skills, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022

    Raquel Guiomar, I. Trindade, Teresa Lapa, Joana Duarte, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, M. Nogueira, J. Pinto-Gouveia, Paula Castilho, Usability study of the iACTwithPain platform: An online ACT and compassion-based intervention for chronic pain, Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Frontiers, 2022

    Sergi Bermudez, Paula A. Silva, Diogo Branco, Ana Pinto, Carla Carvalho, P. Menezes, Jorge Almeida, Artur Pilacinski, Virtual Reality for Safe Testing and Development in Collaborative Robotics: Challenges and Perspectives, Electronics, 11, 11, MDPI, 2022

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Telepresence Social Robotics towards Co-Presence: a Review, Applied Sciences, 12, 11, MDPI, 2022

    Gustavo Assunção, B. Patrão, M. Castelo-Branco, P. Menezes, An Overview of Emotion in Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 3, 6, 867 - 886, 2022

    Gustavo Assunção, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Crowd Interest Mapping to Assess Engagement, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), Vol. 18, Nr 02, 2022


    M. Paiva Nunes, P. Menezes, IS3TA - Exploring augmented reality for exposure therapies, International Conference on Graphics and Interaction - ICGI2022, Aveiro, 2022

    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, Dance Movement and Machine Learning: A study in human-pose detection to generate new visual approaches , International Conference on Graphics and Interaction – ICGI’2022, 2022

    Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Batista, Transformers for Workout Video Segmentation, ICIP2022 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Bordeaux, France, 2022

    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, Jose Macas de Carvalho, “F O R M S”: Creating Visual Composition Through the Movement of Dance and Artificial Intelligence, The Paris Conference on Arts and Humanities 2022, 2022

    Gustavo Assunção, M. Castelo-Branco, P. Menezes, ANNs Dream of Augmented Sheep: An Artificial Dreaming Algorithm, IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd Int Conf on Image Processing and Vision Engineering, Online, 2022

    P. Menezes, A VR Application for the Analysis of Human Responses to Collaborative Robots, GRAPP2022 - Graphics Theory and Applications, 2022

    Joana Teixeira, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, A Controlled Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Application for Smartphones, GRAPP2022 - Graphics Theory and Applications, online, 2022


    Bruno Ferreira, P. Ferreira, G. Pinheiro, N. Figueiredo, F. Carvalho, P. Menezes, J. Batista, Deep learning approaches for workout repetition counting and validation, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 151, pp 256-266, 2021

    P. Menezes, R. P. Rocha, Promotion of Active Ageing through Interactive Artificial Agents in a Smart Environment, SN Applied Sciences, 3, 583, 2021

    Gustavo Assunção, N. Gonçalves, P. Menezes, Bio-Inspired Modality Fusion for Active Speaker Detection, Applied Sciences , 11, 3397, 2021

    Ines A. Trindade, Raquel Guiomar, Sergio A. Carvalho, Joana Duarte, Teresa Lapa, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Jose Pinto-Gouveia, Paula Castilho, , , , M. Nogueira, Efficacy of online-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, The Journal of Pain , 11, 3397, 2021

    Sergio A. Carvalho, Ines A. Trindade, Joana Duarte, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, M. Nogueira, Raquel Guiomar, Teresa Lapa, Jose Pinto-Gouveia, Paula Castilho, , Efficacy of an ACT and compassion-based eHealth program for self-management of chronic pain (iACTwithPain): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, 2021


    Emanuel Pereira, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, A VR-Based Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapeutic Game, International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Porto, Portugal, 2021

    Oscar Ferraz, P. Menezes, V. Silva, G. Falcão, Benchmarking Vulkan vs OpenGL Rendering on Low-Power Edge GPUs, International Conference on Graphics and Interaction, Porto, Portugal, 2021

    Bruno Ferreira, Emanuel Pereira, P. Menezes, Emotional Carousel: A Novel System for Emotional Regulation, ICDVRAT 2021 - 13th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Serpa, Portugal, 2021

    R. Baptista Agostinho, Luis Rama, R. P. Rocha, P. Menezes, Energy Expenditure: Automatic Measurement of Energy Expenditure Associated with Physical Exercise, 26th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science ECSS2021, 2021

    Ana Xavier, Paula Vagos, Lara Palmeira, Sofia Mendes, Vanessa Rocha, Sonia Pereira, Marta Tavares, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Rui Silva, The Me and Us of Emotions: Preliminary results of a program to promote children’s empathy, compassion and cooperation, ACBS Virtual World Conference, 2021

    Ana Xavier, Paula Vagos, Lara Palmeira, Sofia Mendes, Vanessa Rocha, Sonia Pereira, Marta Tavares, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Rui Silva, O eu e o nós das emoções: um programa de promoção de competências socioemocionais em crianças no contexto escolar, XI Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2021

    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Understanding Art through Augmented Reality: Exploring Mobile Tools for Everyone’s Use, 9th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2021) Okayama, Japan, Okayama, Japan, 2021

    Rui Silva , P. Menezes, SAR-ACT: A Spatial Augmented Reality Approach to Cognitive Therapy, 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, on-line streaming, 2021


    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Interface Transparency Issues in Teleoperation, Applied Sciences, 18, 10, MDPI, 2020

    Jose Rodrigues, Tiago Coelho, P. Menezes, M. Teresa Restivo, Immersive Environment for Occupational Therapy: Pilot Study, Information, 405, 11, MDPI, 2020

    Gustavo Assunção, P. Menezes, Speaker Awareness for Speech Emotion Recognition, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) , 16, 64, 2020

    P. Menezes, Bruno Ferreira, An Adaptive Virtual Reality-Based Serious Game for Therapeutic Rehabilitation, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 16, 4, 2020

    P. Menezes, B. Patrão, N. Gonçalves, Augmented Shared Spaces: An Application for Exposure Psychotherapy, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) , 16, 4, 2020

    P. Menezes, Bruno Ferreira, Gamifying Motor Rehabilitation Therapies: Challenges and Opportunities of Immersive Technologies, Information, 11, 2, 2020


    Joao Falcao, P. Menezes, R. P. Rocha, Automatic Identification of Wireless Sensor Network Topology in a IoT Domestic Setup and Discovery of User Routines, In Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS 2020), Barcelona, Spain, 2020

    Joao Falcao, P. Menezes, R. P. Rocha, Automatic Identification of the Wireless Sensor Network Topology in a IoT and Discovery of User Routines, EEE COINS 2020, 2020

    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, Sergio Carvalho, B. Patrão, Ines Trindade, Raquel Guiomar, Joana Duarte, Jose Pinto-Gouveia, Paula Castilho, Design and Usability of an E-Health Mobile Application, 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2020

    Gustavo Assunção, P. Menezes, Intermediary Fuzzification in Speech Emotion Recognition, FUZZ-IEEE 2020, 2020

    Bruno Ferreira, P. Ferreira, G. Pinheiro, N. Figueiredo, F. Carvalho, P. Menezes, J. Batista, "Exploring Workout Repetition Counting and Validation through Deep Learning" (• Springer Best Paper Awards (ICIAR2020) , International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - ICIAR 2020, vol. 12131, pp3-15, Springer Verlag, Povoa do Varzim, Portugal, 2020

    P. Menezes, R. P. Rocha, Multi-agent approach to foster regular physical activity in elderly users, In Proc. of 20th IEEE Int. Conf. on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2020), pp. 325-331, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 2020

    Bruno Ferreira, Gustavo Assunção, P. Menezes, MIST: A Multi-Sensory Immersive Stimulation Therapy Sandbox, VISIGRAPP 2020, 2020

    P. Menezes, D. Urbano, Maria Teresa Restivo Maria de Fátima Chouzal, , "A Case Study of AR Technology and Engineering Students: Is There a Gender Gap?”, 17th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation: CrossReality and Data Science in Engineering (REV2020), Athens, GA, USA, 2020


    M. Nogueira, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, Painting with movement, 17th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI2019), Brisbane, Australia, 2019

    Pedro Gerardo, P. Menezes, Classification of FACS-Action Units with CNN Trained from Emotion Labelled Data Sets , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - SMC2019, Bari, Italy, 2019

    L. Almeida, E. Lopes, B. Yalcinkaya, R. Martins , A. Barata Pires Lopes, P. Menezes, G. Pires, Towards Natural Interaction in Immersive Reality with a Cyber-Glove, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - SMC2019, Bari, Italy, 2019

    J. Rodrigues, P. Menezes, M. Restivo, Travelling in a virtual city: a physical exercise promoting game, Exp.AT’19 , 2019

    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, N. Gonçalves, Augmenting Shared Spaces in Psychotherapy Contexts, 5th Experiment International Conference ('19), pp. 264-265, Funchal, Portugal, 2019

    Gustavo Assunção, P. Menezes, F. Perdigão, The importance of speaker specific features for emotion recognition, Exp.AT’19 , 2019

    Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, Immersive Serious Games for Post-Stroke Motor Rehabilitation, Exp.AT’19 , 2019

    Bruno Ferreira, J. Lourenço, P. Menezes, A Serious Game for Post-Stroke Motor Rehabilitation, Exp.AT’19 , 2019

    M. Nogueira, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, S. Carvalho, P. Castilho, iACTwithpain - Online platform for helping Chronic Pain Patients, Exp.AT’19 , 2019

    Ricardo Barreto, J. Lobo, P. Menezes, Edge Computing: A Neural Network Implementation on an IoT Device, 2019 5th Experiment International Conference ('19), pp. 244-246, Funchal (Madeira Island), Portugal, 2019

    Gustavo Assunção, F. Perdigão, P. Menezes, Premature Overspecialization in Emotion Recognition Systems, 2019 AES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUDIO FORENSICS, 2019

    G. Dos Santos Martins, R. P. Rocha, Fernando Pais, P. Menezes, ClusterNav: Learning-Based Robust Navigation Operating in Cluttered Environments, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA2019, 2019

    Ricardo Barreto, J. Lobo, P. Menezes, IoT Edge Computing Neural Network on Reconfigurable Logic, in Proceedings of the 15th Portuguese Meeting on Reconfigurable Systems, Guimarães, Portugal, 2019


    João Quintas, G. Dos Santos Martins, L. Santos, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Toward a Context-Aware Human-Robot Interaction Framework Based on Cognitive Development, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018


    G. Dos Santos Martins, Fernando Pais, R. P. Rocha, P. Menezes, Synergy of Distributed Agents in a Smart Home to Promote Physical Activity in Elderly Users, Workshop on Robots for Assisted Living, 2018 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, 2018


    P. Menezes, An Augmented Reality U-Academy Module: From Basic Principles to Connected Subjects, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, International Association of Online Engineering, 11:5, 105-117, 2017

    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Information Model and Architecture Specification for Context Awareness Interaction Decision Support in Cyber-physical Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Volume: 47 Issue: 3, 323 - 331, 2017

    Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, B. Patrão, L. Almeida, J. Perez, P. Menezes, J. Dias, P. Sanz, Design and Evaluation of a Natural Interface for Remote Operation of Underwater Robots, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 37, 1, 34-43, 2017


    Fernando Pais, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Virtual Reality as a Training Tool For Human Interactions,’17 International Conference, 2017

    Fernando Pais, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Exploring Avatar Interactions to Trigger Social Identity-Related Responses,’17 International Conference, 2017

    Nuno Gouveia, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Puzzle Time - VR Runner,’17 International Conference, 2017

    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, Virtual transportation for immersive systems,’17 International Conference, 2017

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Improving robot teleoperation experience via immersive interfaces,’17 International Conference, 2017

    P. Menezes, J. Nunes Barata Francisco, B. Patrão, The Importance of Eye-Tracking Analysis in Immersive Learning - A Low Cost Solution, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, NY, USA, 2017

    P. Menezes, Nuno Gouveia, B. Patrão, "Touching is believing - Adding real objects to Virtual Reality", REV2017 - International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, NY, USA , 2017


    B. Patrão, S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Menezes, Human Emotions and Physiological Signals: A Classroom Experiment, International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 12, 4, 37-39, 2016


    Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, J. Perez, P. Menezes, P. Sanz, A control architecture for hybrid underwater intervention systems, IEEE Inter- national Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, 2016

    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Context-Based Decision System for Human-Machine Interaction Applications, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016

    Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, J. Perez, J. Fernández, P. Menezes, P. Sanz, Mejoras en la Arquetectura de Control e Interfaz de Usuario para el Control de un HROV, Jornadas de Automática, Madrid, Spain, 2016

    P. Menezes, M. Chouzal, D. Urbano, M. Restivo, Augmented Reality in Engineering, 19th International Conference on Interactive Collab- orative Learning and 45th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, Belfast, UK, 2016

    S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Menezes, Exploiting the Importance of Vowelized Sounds in Speech Comprehension: an Application for Assisting Speechless People , 6th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob2016), 2016

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, 3D Modelling framework: an incremental approach, Eurographics 2016, the 37th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, 2016 <>

    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, P. Castilho, Development of Mixed Reality Systems to Support Therapies, Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems: 7th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2016, 470, 127--134, Springer International Publishing, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, 2016

    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Auto-Adaptive Interactive Systems for Active and Assisted Living Applications, Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems: 7th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2016, 470, 161--168, Springer International Publishing, 2016

    Book Sections

    P. Freitas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Ambient Assisted Living—From Technology to Intervention, Ambient Assisted Living, Nuno M. Garcia and Joel Jose P. C. Rodrigues, 14, p.p. 363-399, CRC Press, 2015


    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Incremental Reconstruction Approach for Telepresence or AR Applications, in SciTecIN'15 - Sciences and Technologies of Interaction, EPCGI'2015: The 22nd Portuguese Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interaction, Coimbra, 2015

    João Quintas, L. Almeida, Elísio Sousa, P. Menezes, A context-aware immersive interface for teleoperation of mobile robots, in SciTecIN'15 - Sciences and Technologies of Interaction, EPCGI'2015: The 22nd Portuguese Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interaction, Coimbra, 2015

    B. Patrão, S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Menezes, How to deal with virtual reality sickness, EPCGI'2015: The 22nd Portuguese Conf. on Computer Graphics and Interaction, Coimbra, 2015

    B. Patrão, S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Castilho, P. Menezes, Immersive Technologies as a Key Tool in Therapeutic Context, The Compassionate Mind Foundation's 4th International Conference, Manchester, UK, 2015

    B. Patrão, J. Nunes Seabra, S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Menezes, An Affective Interaction System to Learn About Physiological Signals,’2015 International Conference, 2015

    B. Patrão, J. Nunes Seabra, S. Nascimento Pedro, P. Menezes, Demonstration of the Influence of Human Emotions in Physiological Signals,’2015 International Conference, 2015

    Juan Carlos Garcia Sanchez, B. Patrão, J. Perez, J. Nunes Seabra, P. Menezes, J. Dias, P. Sanz, Towards an immersive and natural gesture controlled interface for intervention underwater robots, OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, 2015


    M. Restivo, M. Chouzal, J. Rodrigues, P. Menezes, B. Patrão, J. Bernardino Lopes, Augmented Reality in Electrical Fundamentals, International Journal of Online Engineering, 10, 6, 68-72, Wien, Austria, 2014


    L. Almeida, B. Patrão, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Be the Robot: Human Embodiment in Tele-Operation Driving Tasks, Ro-Man 2014: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, UK, 2014

    P. Menezes, João Quintas, J. Dias, The Role of Context Information in Human-Robot Interaction, International RoMan Workshop on Interactive Robots (IRAIP2014), Edinburgh,Scotland,UK, 2014

    A. Correia, L. Pinto, A. Araújo, S. Barbeiro, F. Caramelo, P. Menezes, M. Morgado, P. Serranho, R. Bernardes, Monte Carlo Simulation of Diabetic Macular Edema Changes on Optical Coherence Tomography Data, BHI2014 - International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Valencia, Spain, 2014

    M. Restivo, M. Chouzal, J. Rodrigues, P. Menezes, J. Bernardino Lopes, Augmented Reality to Improve STEM Motivation, IEEE EDUCON, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014

    A. Cardoso, M. Restivo, M. Quintas, M. Chouzal, M. G. Rasteiro, J. Marques, P. Menezes, Online Experimentation: Experiment@Portugal 2012, REV2014: 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, 2014

    S. Nascimento Pedro, João Quintas, P. Menezes, Sensor-Based Detection of Alzheimer’S Disease-Related Behaviors, The International Conference on Health Informatics, ICHI 2013, Vilamoura, Portugal, Volume: 42, Pages: 276--279, SPRINGER, Heidelberg, 2014


    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, An Interactive System for People Suffering from Cerebral Palsy, International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH), Volume 2, Number 1, IGI Global, 2013

    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, A Virtual Reality System for Training Machinery Operators, International Journal of Online Engineering, Volume 9, Special Issue 8, pp. 53-55, Wien, Austria, 2013

    Book Sections

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Augmented Reality Framework for the Socialization between Elderly People, Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services, Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Isabel Maria Miranda and Patricia Gonçalves, 23, 430-448, IGI Global, 2013


    R. P. Rocha, David Portugal, M. S. Couceiro, F. Araújo, P. Menezes, J. Lobo, The CHOPIN project: Cooperation between Human and rObotic teams in catastroPhic INcidents, Proc. of 11th IEEE Int. Symp. on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2013), Linköping, Sweden, 2013

    M. Restivo, J. Rodrigues, M. Chouzal, P. Menezes, Online virtual system for straightness evaluation,'13: The 2nd Experiment@ International Conference, 2013

    B. Patrão, P. Menezes, An Immersive System for the Training of Tower Crane Operators,'13: The 2nd Experiment@ International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 2013

    N. Silva, J. Moreira, P. Menezes, Features Selection for Human Activity Recognition with iPhone Inertial Sensors, EPIA 2013 | 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013

    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Context-Aware Cooperation between Human and Robotic Teams in Catastrophic Incidents:, The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - RO-MAN 2013, Gyeongju, Korea, 2013

    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Context-based perception and understanding of human intentions, The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - RO-MAN 2013, Gyeongju, Korea, 2013


    K. Khoshhal Roudposhti, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Descriptive Human Action and Interaction Analysis in a Hierarchical Framework, In 2012 International Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2012) in IROS2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012

    A. Galante, P. Menezes, A Gaze-Based Interaction System for People with Cerebral Palsy, 4th Conference of ENTERprise Information Systems – aligning technology, organizations and people (CENTERIS 2012), Volume: 5, Number 0, Pages: 895 - 902, Elsevier, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012

    João Quintas, L. Almeida, M. Brito, G. Quintela, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Context-based understanding of interaction intentions, in Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2012), Paris, France, 2012

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, On-Line 3D Body Modelling for Augmented Reality, GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, 2012

    P. Freitas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Online Topological Mapping of a Sparse Camera Network, In Proceedings of the 3rd Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS'12), Costa da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012


    João Quintas, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Cloud Robotics: Towards Context Aware Robotic Networks, in Proceedings of IASTED, The 16th IASTED International Conference on Robotics (Robo 2011), Pittsburgh, USA, 2011

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, L. Seneviratne, J. Dias, Incremental 3D Body Reconstruction Framework for Robotic Telepresence Applications, in Proceedings of IASTED, The 16th IASTED International Conference on Robotics (Robo 2011), Pittsburgh, USA, 2011

    L. Almeida, F. Vasconcelos, J. P. Barreto, P. Menezes, J. Dias, On-line incremental 3D human body reconstruction for HMI or AR applications, In CLAWAR2011 - The 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots And the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Paris, France, 2011

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Stereo Vision Head Vergence Using GPU Cepstral Filtering - VISAPP 2011, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Algarve, Portugal, 2011

    L. Almeida, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Vergence Using GPU Cepstral Filtering, in Proceedings of the DoCEIS'11 - Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011


    J. P. Barreto, J. M. Santos, P. Menezes, F. Fonseca, Ray-Based Calibration of Medical Endoscopes, In Int. Work. on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras, Marseille, France, 2008

    J. P. Barreto, J. Santos, P. Menezes, F. Fonseca, Ray-based calibration of rigid medical endoscopes, OMNIVIS 2008, 2008

    A. Handa, J. Sivaswamy, K. M. Krishna, S. Singh, P. Menezes, Person following with a mobile robot using a modified optical flow, In Clawar 2008, Coimbra, Portugal, 2008

    Book Sections

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, T. Germa, Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companion with Visual Tracking Modalities, Humanoid Robots, Human-like Machines, Matthias Hackel (Ed.), InTech (ISBN: 978-3-902613-07-3), 2007


    M. Fontmarty, F. Lerasle, P. Danès, P. Menezes, Filtrage Particulaire pour la capture de mouvement dédiée à l'interaction homme-robot, In Congrès francophone ORASIS, Obernai, 2007

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, T. Germa, Humanoid Robots, chapter Towards an Interactive Humanoid Companion with Visual Tracking Modalities, pro literatur Verlag, 2007

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, Visual Tracking-Based Modalities for Human-Robot Interaction, IEEE Transactions on Robotics - Special Issue on Human-Robot Interaction, 2007


    P. Menezes, Multi-Cue Visual Tracking for Human-Robot Interaction, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2007, Supervised by Jorge Dias and R. Chatila


    G. Kumar, K. M. Krishna, P. Menezes, Multi-target Detection by Multi-sensor Systems: A Comparison of Systems, In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Kunming, China, 2006

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, Visual Tracking Modalities for a Companion Robot, In proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (IROS2006), Beijing China, 2006

    A. Clodic, F. Elisei, I. Ferrané, M. Herrb, G. Infantes, C. Lemaire, F. Lerasle, J. Mahnes, P. Marcoul, P. Menezes, V. Montreuil, S. Fleury, R. Alami, R. Chatila, G. Bailly, L. Brèthes, M. Cottret, P. Danès, X. Dollat, Rackham: An Interactive Robot-Guide, In “RO-MAN 06, University of Hertfordshide, 2006

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, Data Fusion for 3D Gestures Tracking using a Camera Mounted on a Robot, In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, 2006

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, Visual Tracking Based Modalities Dedicated to a Robot Companion, In International Workshop on Vision Based Human-Robot Interaction Euros 2006, Euron, 2006


    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, R. Chatila, A Single Camera Motion Capture System dedicated to Gestures Imitation, In “International Conference on Humanoid Robots” IEEE-RAS, Tsukuba, Japan, 2005

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, R. Chatila, Appearance-Based Tracking of 3D Articulated Structures, In “36th International Symposium on Robotics”, Tokyo, Japan, 2005

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, R. Chatila, Single camera-based tracking of 3D gestures, In “International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA’2005)”, Cambridge (USA), 2005

    P. Menezes, J. Dias, F. Lerasle, R. Chatila, Robot interface by model-based vision tracking of human gestures, In “IROS 2005 Workshop on Mobile Manipulators: Basic Techniques, New Trends & Applications”, Edmonton (Canada), 2005

    G. Kumar, K. M. Krishna, P. Menezes, Multi-target Detection by Multi-sensor Systems: A Comparison of Systems-, In “Robio, IEEE/RSJ Intl’ Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics”, Hong Kong, Japan, 2005

    P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Dias, R. Chatila, Suivi visuel de structures articulées 3D par filtrage particulaire, In “ORASIS 2005”, Fournol - Puy-de-Dôme, 2005

    G. Bailly, F. Lerasle, P. Menezes, R. Alami, L. Brèthes, R. Chatila, A. Clodic, J. Crowley, P. Danès, F. Elisei, S. Fleury, M. Herrb, HR+ : Towards an Interactive Autonomous Robot, In “Journées ROBEA”, pages 39–45, Montpellier, 2005


    P. Menezes, J. Barreto, J. Dias, Face Tracking Based on Haar-like Features and Eigenfaces, In &ldquo;5th IFAC Syposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles&rdquo;, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004

    L. Brèthes, P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, J. Hayet, Face Tracking and hand gesture recognition for human robot interaction, In “International Conference on Robotics and Automation”, New Orleans, 2004

    J. Barreto, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Human-Robot Interaction based on Haar-like Features and Eigenfaces, In &ldquo;International Conference on Robotics and Automation&rdquo;, New Orleans, 2004

    L. Brèthes, P. Menezes, F. Lerasle, M. Briot, Segmentation couleur et Condensation pour le suivi et la reconnaissance des gestes humains, In “14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Toulouse - France, 2004


    P. Menezes, L. Brèthes, F. Lerasle, P. Danès, J. Dias, Visual Tracking of Silhouettes for Human-Robot Interaction, In “The 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics”, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2003


    P. Menezes, C. Queiroz, J. Dias, Inertial Stabilization of a Four Legged Robot, In “3rd International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots”, Madrid, Spain, 2000

    C. Queiroz, N. Gonçalves, P. Menezes, A Study on Static Gaits for a Four Legged Robot, International Conference Control 2000, UKACC, University of Cambridge, UK, 2000

    C. Queiroz, N. Gonçalves, P. Menezes, J. Dias, A Study on Static Gaits for a Four Legged Robot., International Conference: Control 2000, UKACC, University of Cambridge UK, 2000


    P. Menezes, Navegação de Robôs Móveis, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 2000, Supervised by Jorge Dias and R. Chatila


    J. P. Barreto, A. Trigo, P. Menezes, J. Dias, A. de Almeida, FBD - The Free Body Diagram Method, In “Controlo 98 - The 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control”, Coimbra, Portugal, 1998

    C. Silva, N. Rodrigues, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Landmark Based Navigation of a Mobile Platform, In “European Advanced Robotic Systems Development - Mobile RObotics”, 1998

    J. P. Barreto, P. Menezes, A. Trigo, J. Dias, A. de Almeida, The Free Body Diagram Method - Kinematic and Dynamic Modelling of a Six Leg Robot, In “AMC’98 - 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control", Coimbra, 1998


    A. Silva, P. Menezes, J. Dias, H. Araújo, Grid Based Framework for Sensorial Data Integration in Mobile Robots, Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Autonomous Robotic Systems, In “SPIE’s International Symposium and Education Program on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing - Special Session on Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Autonomous Robotic Systems”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1997

    A. Silva, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Avoiding Obstacles Using a Connectionist Network- Experiments Based on Visual and Sonar Information, In “IROS’97 - IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems”, Grenoble - France, 1997

    F. Monteiro, P. Rocha, P. Menezes, A. Silva, J. Dias, Teleoperating a Mobile Robot - A Solution Based on JAVA Language, In “ISIE’97 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics”, 1997

    A. Silva, P. Menezes, J. Dias, Grid Based Navigation for Autonomous Robots - An Algorithm Based on the Integration of Vision and Sonar Data, In “ISIE’97 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics”, Guimarães, Portugal, 1997


    A. Silva, P. Silvestre, P. Menezes, J. Dias, A. de Almeida, Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Using a Connectionist Approach, In “27th international Symposium on Industrial Robots”, Milan, Italy, 1996


    P. Menezes, J. Dias, H. Araújo, A. de Almeida, Low Cost Sensor Based Obstacle Detection and Description - Experiments with Mobile Robots Using Grid Representation, In “Experimental Robotics IV - The 4th International Symposium”, Number 223 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , Stanford, California (USA), 1995

    P. Menezes, J. Dias, H. Araújo, A. de Almeida, Low Cost Sensor Based Obstacle Detection and Description: Experiments with Mobile Robots using Grid Representation, In “4th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics”, Stanford, California (USA), 1995

    P. Menezes, J. Dias, H. Araújo, A. de Almeida, Using Sonar Sensors to Perform Obstacle Detection, In “1er Colloque International Produtique Robotique du Sud Europe Atlantique”, 1995


    P. Menezes, H. Araújo, M. Ribeiro, Obstacle Detection in Mobile Robots Using Sonar Data, In “Controlo 94”, 1994


    A. de Almeida, P. Menezes, H. Fachada, Servo Pneumatic Manipulator for the Plastics Industry, In “First International Conference on Applications of Industrial Electronic Systms”, 1990


    H. Fachada, P. Menezes, A. de Almeida, Manipulador Pneumático com Posicionamento Contínuo, In “ENDIEL 89, Porto, Portugal, 1989


    A. de Almeida, H. Fachada, J. Dias, P. Menezes, P. Amaro, U. J. Nunes, Low Cost - High Performance Servo Pneumatic Manipulators with Sensor Feedback, In “IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Control”, Philadelphia, USA, 1988

    Ph.D. Thesis

    Luís Agnelo Almeida, Towards Telepresence and Robot Teleoperation (7/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes and Jorge Dias

    Maria Rita Nogueira, Movimentos Artísticos e Meio Tecnológico como Processo de Criação Coreográfica (6/2023) Supervised by José Augusto Maçãs de Carvalho and Paulo Menezes

    M.Sc. Thesis

    Beatriz Lagos, EWorkout Music Station – An Interactive System for people with ASD (2/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Beatriz Negromonte, Physical programming language for Blind or Visually Impaired (BVI) children (2/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Daniel Matias, Enhanced AR-Based exposure therapy application (2/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    André Marques, Virtual Reality Application For Vestibular Stimulation (2/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Jorge Diamantino Moreira Barbosa, Predictive Maintenance using Machine Learning (1/2023) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    João Manuel Pedro Agria, deepSTAIl: Style Transfer for Artificial Illustrations (8/2020) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Rui Jorge Nunes Silva, Spatial Augmented Reality in Serious Games for Cognitive Rehabilitation of the Elderly (8/2020) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Diogo Poço, VisualChain: Visual Inspection in Production Lines (8/2020) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Ricardo Luís Baptista Agostinho, BodyEnergyExpenditure: Automatic Measurement of Energy Expenditure Associated to Physical Exercise (6/2020) Supervised by Rui P. Rocha and Paulo Menezes

    João Agria, DeepSTAI:: Style Transfer for Artificial Illustrations (2/2020) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Ricardo Manuel Carriço Barreto, IoT Edge Computing Neural Networks on Reconfigurable Logic (12/2019) Supervised by Paulo Menezes and Jorge Lobo

    Bruno Miguel Fonseca Ferreira, Serious Games-Based Immersive System for Motor Rehabilitation (12/2019) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Gustavo Miguel Santos Assunção, Human Emotion Recognition Through Speech Analysis on Convolutional Neural Networks (12/2019) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Pedro Gerardo, Expression and Recognition of Emotions for Autistic Children (12/2019) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    José Miguel Bernardes Lourenço, Serious games for motor rehabilitation (12/2018) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Pedro Guilherme Ramos, TopoNiMiA - TOPOlogical NavIgation for Mobile robotIc Agents (12/2018) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Daniel Louda, Digital Multi-Channel Audio Workstation for Live Performance (12/2018) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Nuno Gouveia, Manipulation of Tactile Perception of Objects in Mixed Reality (12/2017) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    José Nunes Barata Francisco, Development of Eye-Tracker for HMDs (12/2017) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Fernando Pais, Interactive Avatars for Triggering Emotional Responses (12/2017) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    José Nunes Barata Francisco, Development of an eye-tracker for a HMD (2/2017) Supervised by Bruno Patrão and Paulo Menezes

    Tiago Filipe Rodrigues Catarino, Development of Hand-Tracker: Wireless Solution Based on Inertial Sensors (12/2016) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Tiago Filipe Rodrigues Catarino, Improving the Embodiment Sensation in Immersive Experiments by Exploiting the Rubber Hand Effect (11/2016) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Marcelo Alfredo Ramos de Carvalho da Cunha de Sousa, Desenvolvimento de um simulador de robô móvel - Validação da Adaptação do OpenAR a OpenGL 3.3 (11/2015) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    João Filipe Nunes Seabra, Transporting people to mixed-reality environments: Embodiment experiments (11/2015) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Eduardo do Val Martins, CHOPIN-CCO - Command Center of Operations for Search and Rescue Missions with Human and Robotic Teams (6/2014) Supervised by Rui P. Rocha and Paulo Menezes

    Samuel Nascimento Pedro, Sensor-based detection of Alzheimer disease-related behaviours (12/2013) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Andrea Pinto, iBombeiro - iDevice to monitor and help firefighters (9/2013) Supervised by Paulo Menezes and Jorge Lobo

    Gustavo Quintela, Non-Standard and cheap interfaces for robots (12/2012) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Miguel Brito, Head and gaze tracking (12/2012) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Adriano Galante, Analysis of task concentration levels of people while operating computers (12/2012) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Bruno Patrão, Biblioteca para Desenvolvimento de Aplicações de Realidade Aumentada Baseada em Marcadores Binários (12/2011) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Bruno Marques, Construção de um editor de cenas 3D para a biblioteca OpenAR e estudo de técnicas de interacção e imersão em aplicações (12/2011) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Diogo Ribeiro, Estudo e integração de simulação física em realidade aumentada e robótica (12/2011) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Bruno Patrão, Biblioteca para desenvolvimento de aplicações de Realidade Aumentada com base em marcadores binários (9/2011) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Antonio Frade, Síntese de expressões faciais para interface Homem-Robô (12/2010) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Bruno Goncalves, Geração automática de código, certificado segundo a norma EN50128, a partir de modelos em Simulink(R) (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    João Quintas, Hilário - Devepment of Interaction Styles for Human Machine Interaction (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Joao Pacheco, OpenAR - Estrutura para o desenvolvimento de aplicações de realidade aumentada (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Manuel Oliveira, Integração de serviços num robô móvel (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Miguel Ferreira, Realidade Aumentada para interface de Robô Móvel (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Paulo Freitas, On-Line Topological Map of a Network of Cameras (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Ricardo Faustino, CellRuler II - Sistema de medição usando câmara de um telemóvel (12/2009) Supervised by Paulo Menezes

    Rui Rodrigues, Camera Calibration and Estimation of Rigid-Body Transformations using Planar Mirror Reflections (12/2009) Supervised by João Pedro Barreto and Paulo Menezes

    Rui Teixeira, Interfaces and Visualization in Clinical Endoscopy (12/2009) Supervised by João Pedro Barreto and Paulo Menezes