B-RELIABLE: Boosting reliability and interaction on brain-machine interface systems integrating automatic error-detection

Project name: B-RELIABLE: Boosting reliability and interaction on brain-machine interface systems integrating automatic error-detection
Description: The Project B-RELIABLE (concluded in June 2022), was very focused on the research and development of methods to improve the reliability, naturalness, and usability of brain-machine/computer interfaces (BMI/BCI). The following two achievements are highlighted: 1) new approaches to use an electroencephalographic (EEG) signal called Error Related Potential (ErrP) allowing the automatic detection and correction of errors in communication spellers, and new detection methods based on Riemannian geometry to improve the generalization of ErrP classification models across sessions and participants; 2) a unique BMI framework in the context of a Brain-actuated Wheelchair, combining self-paced control, dynamic time-window commands and a collaborative-controller. This framework allowed to achieve very high driving performances reaching unprecedent results, and with minimal physical and mental workload. This showed the possibility of significantly improving the usability of BCI systems.
PI: Gabriel Pires
Reference: PTDC/EEI/-AUT/30935/2017
Website: http://projects.isr.uc.pt/B-RELIABLE.pdf
Fundind entity: FEDER , OE/FCT
Budget: FEDER/OE through operational programs CENTRO2020 and FCT
Partners: Institute for Systems and Robotics-Coimbra (ISR-UC), University of Coimbra-ICNAS (UC- ICNAS) and Polytechnic Institute of Tomar-VITA (IPT- VITA)
Duration of the action: 2018-06-20 - 2022-06-19