RAC - Robótica Académica de Coimbra

    Project name: RAC - Robótica Académica de Coimbra

    Description: This project aims at building a small-size league robot soccer team for: (a) developing a new cooperative real time architecture for a team of mobile robots; (b) developing new intelligent sensors through the integration of artificial vision and inertial sensors; (c) stimulating teaching and research about mobile robotics among undergraduate students on Electrical and Computer Engineering, at University of Coimbra, by participating in robot soccer competitions.

    PI: Jorge Dias

    Reference: POSI/ROBO/43890/2002

    Website: http://paloma.isr.uc.pt/rac/

    Fundind entity: FCT

    Budget: 18k€

    Partners: ISR - Universidade de Coimbra

    Duration of the action: 2003-10-01 - 2006-03-01

Associated People